Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Education System and Family Life Essay - 1016 Words

Education is a social problem that is very prominent in the world today. Education affects not only children currently attending school, but what they do when they are older. It affects where someone may end up later in their life, what job they will have, and how much money they will be making. Unfortunately, not everyone graduates high school, goes to college, and earns a high paying job. The cards some people are dealt can be much different, and education today arises as a social problem because of income, family life, and the area someone lives. These three areas can really help someone in their education, but it can also set them back. Income is one area that is related with the social issue of education. Those most affected are†¦show more content†¦The system is to blame because it allows families to live in poverty and send their child to underperforming schools, and the person is to blame because it is up to the person to install and show good habits in education. People need to understand that they have the power to influence their lives, and it is up to them to make something of it. Family life affects education in a variety of ways. In the ideal family, the mother and father prepare their son or daughter for school. They teach them how to read, spell, and write. Many parents cannot do this anymore in this day and age, especially if they are struggling with poverty. â€Å"Many poor children here in the US and around the world are starving for parental advocacy. Who can spend time helping their kids achieve in school, if they are exhausted from making ends meet or feel intimidated by the process?† (Huffington Post). Parents in poverty spend time working, cooking, cleaning, and caring for their family and they do not have time to prepare their child for school. The article from the Huffington post takes a look at how families in poverty may not know how their child is performing in school, and if they have any special needs their bills could add up. Children need help with their education, and if the neglect goes on for too long, the child could be set back substantially in school. The education system in terms of family life needs to be viewed as both a person and system blame asShow MoreRelatedBeliefs About The Family And Quality And Nature Of Family Life1359 Words   |  6 PagesTeaching Beliefs about the Family and Quality and Nature of Family Life Family life Education is to help families become a stronger unit through the proper education. There are so many different thoughts and beliefs pertaining to the family life education program. There have been good and bad beliefs, but the majority have been trying to improve the family and the education system that has been taught. Everyone has a family. 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