Sunday, December 29, 2019

Gender Roles Of Women And Women - 2066 Words

Throughout history, gender roles were portrayed based on their physical appearance and the ability to do things. Men were always considered the caretakers and protectors of their homes and never had to worry about what kind of outfit they had to wear the next day. Men were free to roam around in whatever clothing that appealed to them and no one seemed to care. However, in the case of women, they were the ones who did the house work all day and if she wanted to get an education that was something obscured. Also, woman had to dress in a certain way because their rights were dug down in the dirt and men treated them like objects. The gender norms depicted back then and now are still being attributed to men and women in today’s society. For†¦show more content†¦The first connection we receive is that Duke kills his duchess, so that he can persevere and have her all to himself. His loves for the Duchess was strong, but sometimes lead to jealousy. The only way they can be together and no one would get in their way is by murdering her. The Duke thought it was okay to kill someone who he loves because it would be easier if no one else can have them, but that is what you call abnormal or someone portrayed as a psycho. Murder is too extreme in this situation and not always the answer. They could have talked it out or went to marriage counseling. The idea of femininity and sexuality comes in to play because the Duke identifies his woman as a inadequate object, but still loves and worships her at the same time. In the first lines of â€Å"My Last Duchess†, we see the Duke praising or grieving for his dead lover by having a painting of her hung on the wall. â€Å"That’s my last Duchess painted on the wall. Looking as if she were alive.† We already assume that his lover is dead, but we don’t know how. Duke states in line 10, â€Å"the curtain I have drawn for you†. This specific line examines that Duke has covered up the portrait of his duchess with a curtain, which only he can unwrap and secure. No one could see the portrait of the Duchess expect him, unless the Duke wants them too. The Duke thinks that while she was still alive, many people were attracted to theShow MoreRelatedGender Roles Of Women And Women1524 Words   |  7 PagesGender refers to the masculine and feminine attributes ass igned to either sex. Culture and biology determine the moral, intellectual, and emotional differences between males and females. Biology partially determines gender constructions of men and women. A woman’s ability to conceive or a man’s natural strength are all examples of biological gender. However, I believe a larger proportion of personal gender is formulated through cultural believes and values. Cultures create gender through social practicesRead MoreGender Roles Of Women And Women1535 Words   |  7 PagesEveryday you hear women and men being compared in life. A majority of the time it is in a form of men being more superior than women rather it s stereotypes, appearances, or money; Men usually end up more dominant. Society tends to assume that men are more capable than women in all aspects throughout life. These postulations have commenced before we were even born. Men are expected to constantly be working and providing the home for the women and children; Wome n are assumed to be cleaning, cookingRead MoreGender Roles Of Women And Women1630 Words   |  7 Pagesallow freedom for women, freedom for men, freedom from those sharply defined gender roles â€Å" (Fred Ward). I agree with this quote because in today’s society gender defines the roles of what a male and a female can do. What is gender? Gender, according to the Merriam Webster dictionary, is the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones). The term gender is only used when we describe how men and women are different in aRead MoreGender Roles Of Women And Women1677 Words   |  7 PagesGender is one of the greatest factors that can determine how we define ourselves and others. Although gender is determined at birth for many, it does not influence one s identity of self until a later age. How society views the roles of each gender influences how a person views themselves. As the views changes, so does one’s identity. In the past, the roles of men and women were defined and separated. Men were expected to provide income for the family, while women were expected to take care of theRead MoreGender Roles Of Women And Women1536 Words   |  7 PagesMen and women have very different expectations and roles in the work force. In the past almost all corporations have discriminated against gender, especially women. Whether it is women not being allowed certain positions and/or promotions at a job, or women not being allowed into the field of work that they desire at all. Women have also been discriminated by being payed lower wage and made to work longer hours in unsafe and unhealthy work environments. Gender roles set expectations that are extremelyRead MoreGender Roles Of Women And Women1512 Words   |  7 Pages1.a Gender roles are how a society believes a man or women should act based on their gender. Each society has its own gender roles, where a man might be expecte d to do something in one society a woman might be expected to do it in another one. An example of gender roles affecting women is that women are expected to take care of the housework and so they do chores around the house even if they have a job. Men are expected to be the breadwinner and support his family financially. Men are not expectedRead MoreGender Roles Of Women And Women892 Words   |  4 Pages Gender roles are a set of behaviors that indicate that a person should fit in to a category of either being male or female. This is society’s concept of how men and women are expected to behave. These gender roles were commonly accepted before the twenty-first century. Society viewed males as being the main financial providers for their family whereas women were viewed as the maker of the home, raising and taking care their children. Men were expected to be strong, athletic,aggressive,and dominantRead MoreGender Roles Of Women And Women2359 Words   |  10 PagesMen and wo men are consistently sexualized and misrepresented in the media. These misrepresentations have serious implications on society and both sexes are constrained by these ideals. These ideal depictions of masculine and feminine are threatening to the already distorted gender roles. The media standards for beauty are outrageous and simply unattainable, putting immense pressure on women today. Moreover media targeting men present a constant theme of hyper masculinity that is normalized inRead MoreGender Roles Of Women And Women1662 Words   |  7 Pages Gender Roles â€Å"Gender is the costume, a mask, a straightjacket in which men and women dance their unequal dance† (Kearl). Throughout history, women have been treated with unequal and unjust standards in comparison to their male counterparts. This paper will discuss gender roles in society and the stereotypes placed on men and women. As well as gender role development and the different influences that lead to these roles and stereotypes. Also, it will outline the history and progress of women’sRead MoreGender Roles Of Women And Women876 Words   |  4 PagesA gender role is simply a behavior that may be learned by a person that is so called â€Å"accepted† into society or a cultural normality. For example, men are known for supporting the family the most such as keeping the food on the table and being most of the income that comes into the household. Women on the other hand are normally looked upon as house cleaners, childcare givers, and less responsible jobs inside the house. Gender stereotypes are a little bit different; this is a way of seeing someone

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Art Is Not A Mandatory Part Of The Core Curriculum Essay

The concept of art has been around since the Stone Age, and has progressed significantly since then. Art may have started as a few simple lines marked on a cave wall with a rock. The concept of music may have emerged from someone who banged two objects together and noticed that they made different sounds depending on the way they were hit. In the United States, art is not a mandatory part of the core curriculum in schools. Some schools have music and art classes available as electives to allow students to explore outside the realm of the mandatory math, science, and English classes. However unfortunately, when budgets need to be reduced and cuts are made, it is the Arts that are the first to go. The word ‘Art’ is most commonly thought of as a painting, or something in a gallery or a museum. However, art can be so more than a 2 dimensional object. The truth is, without being aware of it, we are surrounded by art. From that song you listened to on the way to work, to the l ittle dance you did when you heard good news, or even that almost perfect circle you drew, our lives rely on art in all its forms. Those who see the value of the Arts strive to keep music, drama and art within the educational system and encourage children to further explore outside of school. Yo Yo Ma, a famous child cellist prodigy, started performing at the age of five. Because Ma himself was a child prodigy, he has acquired very strong beliefs about children being able to explore the arts and especiallyShow MoreRelatedArt Is All Around Us Essay1439 Words   |  6 PagesArt is all around us. From the exquisite foods we eat to the breath taking sculptures around the world. Every single person is connected to art in one way or another, whether you are alone in your room, jamming to your favorite song, or a world renowned painter. 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Elementary schools are having difficulty because they are cutting back on the fine arts programming and many non-specialist classroom teachers are expected to integrate the fine arts into theirRead MoreEssay on Students Should Be Taught Home Economics1180 Words   |  5 Pageshonest, there are some kids, I take them into the (kitchen) lab, and they can’t even measure†¦we are talking basic, basic skills. I think that has a lot to do with the family structure, how the family has changed† (Wischmeyer). Home Economics was a mandatory and popular class in the 1980’s and 1990’s. This class taught more than how to frost a cake, it taught basic and detailed skills suc h as sewing a button, measuring and sanitizing skills. In this class learning to manage a budget and preparing a mealRead MoreIs The Art Of Creativity?1267 Words   |  6 Pagesto be geniuses, and for the most part, they are exceptionally smart. But, I dare to raise the question, are they creative? 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However, taking these courses provide studentsRead MoreThe Use And Benefits Of Art In Special Education And Special1420 Words   |  6 PagesThe Use and Benefits of Art in Special Education and Special Education Services In the early half of the 20th Century, education for children with special needs was near non-existent. With the passage of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) in 1975, however, it became mandatory for schools to provide students with special needs Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) (IDEA, 1975). Since the IDEA law was enacted, special education has expanded to include a wide variety of programsRead MoreWhy Do You Desire For Attend Oru, And How Does This Interact Your Life Goals?1251 Words   |  6 Pagescontinue to develop intellectually, spiritually and physically, I feel that the curriculum that ORU provides will be the best fit for me. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

When Politics Trumps Policy Free Essays

While the public demand for the criminal justice system to help ensure a safe and secure environment, there are also occasions whereby the public may feel that the criminal justice agencies are actually the one posing unnecessary threats to the society. Issues like the abuse of authority, deadly vehicle pursuits and unauthorized use of weapons are all examples of cases in which the criminal justice system is actually threatening the safety of the public. This paper will discuss the case of Racin’ Ray’s Wild Day to examine the issues involved in the decisions made by Ripley as a law enforcing authority. We will write a custom essay sample on When Politics Trumps Policy or any similar topic only for you Order Now Central Issues The central issue in the case study would be the authority of the police officers to use excessive force as well as to engage in violent pursuits. Due to a previous incident of a violent pursuit ending with the death of a 14 year old teenager, the Pineville County Sheriff’s Department is currently facing a lawsuit. As such, the Department has implemented stricter rules and regulations to prevent such accidents from happening again. However, another key issue which has cropped up would be that of the behavior of Deputy Raymond Ray Ripley who has been observed to be overstepping regulations as well as engaging in activities that are not part of his responsibilities such as to go for extra patrol as well as to engage in the violent pursuit of a vehicle that was not warranted since rules have been implemented to prohibit any pursuit which does not involve any violent felony crime or pose significant threat to the community. In addition, he is also using weapons which he does not have the authority to use (Peak, 2010). Use-of-force policy Ripley’s actions is not compliant with the use of force policy which states that â€Å"a supervisor [should] cancel any pursuit that does not involve a violent felony crime or other circumstances that would justify the danger and potential liability† . In addition, â€Å"A separate policy prohibits the firing of warning shots unless â€Å"circumstances warrant. †Ã¢â‚¬  (Peak, 2010). In the given case, Ripley had no evidence to demonstrate that the vehicle he was chasing was involved in any violent felony crime or circumstances that would pose extreme danger. In addition he used his fired warning shots even though the circumstances were not yet dangerous. As such, he was clearly violating the use-of-force policy. End Ripley’s pursuit The lieutenant should end Ripley’s pursuit. Firstly, this is because Ripley has already overstepped the policies implemented by the Department, as such there is a possibility that he would further abuse his power to bring about unnecessary harm to others. In addition, the Department is already involved in a current legal tussle. Should any mistakes go wrong with this one, the consequence would be especially dire and people would lose confidence in the criminal justice agency. Firing warning shots The deputy should have fired the warning shot. The department has already informed officers that no warning shots should be fired unless circumstances warrant. In this case, the officer was following normal regulations of being at least 30 meters away from the vehicle. In addition, he has proof to show that the circumstances warrant his actions since the driver was speeding towards him and thus the warning shot was fired to save his life. Lodging a complaint In the event that the people in the vehicle lodge a complaint about Ripley and his use of the force, the dog and the taser gun, there are various departmental policies which would need to be applied. First, it is necessary to record down all the processes involved during the whole incident including when , how and why the deputy came across the vehicle, fired the warning shots and gave chase to the vehicle. Given that there is evidence to sufficient to show that the deputy did abuse his authority such as to own a Taser gun and to use a dog, appropriate disciplinary actions would need to be taken to hold the deputy accountable for his actions. However, the head of the department will need to deliberate and take into account the factors affecting the situation and the decision-making of the deputy behind implementing the most appropriate form of punishment (Davis). Additional policies Given that the misconduct of the deputy has been identified, it is important that the department implement policies to ensure that similar acts do not occur again. Hence, this would involve programs like training as well as frequent audits to ensure that officers do not engage in behaviors that involve the abuse of their authority. In addition, the department should also set up a program to monitor the progress of those who have previously engaged in misconduct before to ensure that they are competent enough for their work. Conclusion In conclusion, the case of Ripley demonstrates the serious consequences of the abuse of authority by law enforcing officials. Therefore, it is necessary for criminal justice agencies to implement the appropriate strategies and programs to ensure that similar incidents do not occur again. ? Reference Davis, J. (n. d. ). Police Misconduct and Civil Rights Law. Retrieved from http://library. findlaw. com/1999/Nov/1/126320. html †¢Peak, K. (2010). Justice administration: police, courts, and corrections management (6th ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ. Pearson/Prentice Hall. How to cite When Politics Trumps Policy, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Impacts Of the Revenue Recognition Changes - Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss about the Impacts Of the Revenue Recognition Changes. Answer: 718 Geelong Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000 2 January 2018 Christopher Sampson Managing Director, Beachlife Ltd Level 7, 927 William Street, Brisbane QLD-4000 Dear Christopher Sampson The email send on 13 November 2017 was acknowledged by me, where accounting issues had been highlighted that needed adequate advice. Amendments or advice on two different type of entries had been required by you. I whole heartedly assure you that my accounting team has all the adequate experience, which is needed for addressing the issues. Moreover, all the relevant adjustments that needs to be presented to the board are depicted in the letter, which could help in adjusting all the entries and display correct financial condition of your company. I thank you for providing our organisation with the opportunity to help you with your accounting issues and we have provided all the relevant source with the advice, which could help in nullifying the accounting issues. Being a public limited company Beachlife Ltd needs to be comply with all the regulations and acts imposed by regulators such as Corporation Act 2001. In addition, it also needs to comply with Section 296, Section 334 and Section 292, which directly states the preparation of Financial report with all the accounting standard and regulations ( 2018). The company also needs to be comply with the AASB standard in drafting the financial report, which has standards and paragraph in addressing different issues of accounting. Hence, the advice needed for the accounting issues will comply with AASB standard and regulation. Moreover, the letter addressed problems regarding warranty expenses and losses, which will incur in immediate future. Identifying the methods in which infringement claim can be recorded in annual report: The infringement claim is mainly identified to have different chance of occurrence in next fiscal year, which could be recoded in form of contingency liability in the current annual report. This infringement claim is mainly a future expenses, which will be conducted by the company due to actions taken in past. According to AASB 137 paragraph 10, accommodation of contingency liability can be conducted by companies in their annual report in grounds of futures expenses ( 2018). In paragraph 10, adequate assumption of the expenses is mainly listed, which needs to be conducted by the company in their annual report. Moreover, AASB 137 also states the possibility of obligation, which might arise from past event and its occurrence in future is uncertain. Therefore, the transaction will be recorded in balance sheet under contingency liability section. Particulars Probability Value 1st chance 30% $87,000,000 2nd chance 40% $30,000,000 3rd chance 60% $50,000,000 The above table mainly represents the probability of the expenses, which might incur from the infringement patent claim. In addition, the highest probability section must be recorded in the contingency liability, as it has the highest chance of occurrence. Hence, the contingency liability section will mainly include a patent infringement claim of $50,000,000 in the annual report. Therefore, the board could adequately enlist the expenses under contingency liability. Identifying the methods used in recording sales and warranty expenses: The second listed problem that was faced by Beachlife Ltd is the accounting treatment of sales and warranty expenses. In the current situation, AASB 137 can be identified to have the appropriate measure in dealing with the warranty expenses, as it can be conducted in next fiscal year. Therefore, AASB 137 paragraph 14(a) directly states the estimation of obligation, which increases the expenses provision of the company increase their expenses provision ( 2018). AASB 118 paragraph 9 directly states the revenue recognition method, which is used by the company in identifying its sales (Komninos and Cameron 2017). The sale of equipment is mainly conducted in the current fiscal year, where the payment is also competed. Hence, the record of sales will be conducted in current fiscal year with a contingency liability addressing the warranty expenses, which might be incurred by the company. Consequently, all information regarding the accounting issues has been disclosed in the letter with specific guidance to AASB standards. The identified measures can be presented to the board for addressing the accoutring issues and adequately draft the annual report. Thus, the board could depict their actual financial position in the annual report. With the details provided in the letter, I hope to clear all the clarification, which was enlisted in the email sent on 13 November, 2017. For any kind of further clarification on other accounting issues kindly contact Magenta and Associates. Looking forward to hearing from you. Regards Lisa Magenta Manager Magenta and Associates 718 Geelong Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000 Reference and Bibliography: (2018). [online] Available at: [Accessed 03 Jan. 2018]. Adhariani, D., Sciulli, N. and Clift, R., 2017. Quantitative Optimisation Model, Results and Discussion. In Financial Management and Corporate Governance from the Feminist Ethics of Care Perspective(pp. 209-284). Springer International Publishing. Komninos, J. and Cameron, R.B., 2017. IMPACTS OF REVENUE RECOGNITION CHANGES IN THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY. Ritchie, M., 2015. What is air worth? Appropriately pricing landfills.Waste+ Water Management Australia,42(2), p.46.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Barometer Definition and Function (Science)

Barometer Definition and Function (Science) The barometer, thermometer, and anemometer are important meteorology instruments. Learn about the invention of the barometer, how it works, and how its used to forecast weather. Barometer Definition A barometer is a device that measures atmospheric pressure. The word barometer comes from the Greek words for weight and measure. Changes in atmospheric pressure recorded by barometers are most often used in meteorology for forecasting weather. Invention of the Barometer Usually youll see  Evangelista Torricelli credited with inventing the barometer in 1643,  French scientist Renà © Descartes described an experiment to measure atmospheric pressure in 1631 and Italian scientist  Gasparo Berti constructed a water barometer between 1640 and 1643. Bertis barometer consisted of a long tube filled with water and plugged at both ends. He placed the tube upright in a container of water and removed the bottom plug. Water flowed from the tube into the basin, but the tube did not completely empty. While there may be disagreement over who invented the first water barometer, Torricelli is certainly the inventor of the first mercury barometer. Types of Barometers There are several types of mechanical barometer, plus now there are numerous digital barometers. Barometers include: water-based barometers - most often consists of a sealed glass ball that is half-filled with water. The body of the ball connects below the water level to a narrow spout, which rises above the water level and is open to the air. The water level of the spout rises when atmospheric pressure is lower than it was when the glass ball was sealed and drops when air pressure exceeds the pressure when the ball was sealed. While not particularly precise, this is a simple type of barometer easily constructed at home or in a lab.mercury barometers - uses a glass tube that is closed at one end, standing in a mercury-filled reservoir that is open to air. A mercury barometer works on the same principle as the water barometer, but is much easier to read and more sensitive than a water barometer.vacuum pump oil barometers - liquid barometer that uses vacuum pump oil, which has an extremely low vapor pressureaneroid barometers - type of barometer which does not use liquid to measure pressure, instead relying on expansion or contraction of a flexible metal capsule barographs - uses an aneroid barometer to move a pen or needle to make a graph of pressure changesmicroelectromechanical systems (MEMS) barometersstorm glasses  or Goethe barometersmartphone barometers How Barometric Pressure Relates To Weather Barometric pressure is a measure of the weight of the atmosphere pressing down on the Earths surface. High atmospheric pressure means there is a downward force, pressure air down. As air moves down, it warms up, inhibiting the formation of clouds and storms. High pressure typically signifies fair weather, particularly if the barometer registers a lasting high pressure reading. When barometric pressure drops, this means air can rise. As it rises, it cools and is less able to hold moisture. Cloud formation and precipitation becomes favorable. Thus, when a barometer registers a drop in pressure, clear weather may be giving way to clouds. How To Use a Barometer While a single barometric pressure reading wont tell you too much, you can use a barometer to forecast changes in the weather by tracking readings throughout the day and over the course of several days. If the pressure holds steady, weather changes are unlikely. Dramatic changes in pressure are associated with changes in the atmosphere. If pressure suddenly drops, expect storms or precipitation. If pressure rises and stabilizes, youre more likely to see fair weather. Keep a record of barometric pressure and also wind speed and direction to make the most accurate forecasts. In the modern era, few people own storm glasses or large barometers. However, most smart phones are able to record barometric pressure. A variety of free apps are available, if one doesnt come with the device. You can use the app to relate atmospheric pressure to weather or you can track the changes in pressure yourself to practice home forecasting. References Strangeways, Ian.  Measuring the Natural Environment. Cambridge University Press, 2000, p. 92.The Invention of the Barometer, Weather Doctors Weather People and History, retrieved October 6, 2015.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Emotional, Behavioral, and Physical Disabilities Essay Essay Example

Emotional, Behavioral, and Physical Disabilities Essay Essay Example Emotional, Behavioral, and Physical Disabilities Essay Essay Emotional, Behavioral, and Physical Disabilities Essay Essay When it comes to pupils. teacher’s functions in finding how to learn a pupil with emotional and behavior upset. Physical disablements and Health Impairments. Traumatic Brain hurt. Hearing damages. and Ocular damages is to make an environment in which all pupils can experience safe and can take part to the best of their abilities. When it comes to turn outing a positive acquisition environment for pupils who has disablements it can be a great challenge within the schoolroom cause each pupil has their really ain demands. rational and physical abilities. perceptual experiences and most of all acquisition manners which may change for each pupil. It is really of import to cognize the pupils demands and place and countries of course of study before learning a pupil because may show jobs for them. In order to make that a instructor most have some instruction schemes that they can modify in order to assist learn their pupil who have disablements where it can assist place the pupils particular demands and it will offer schemes for the instructors to set within a lesson program to learn and give all pupils a alteration to success in larning. There are tonss of schemes instructors can utilize for illustration. when it comes to pupils with emotional and behavior upsets may pupils may hold gifts or even larning disablements in which instance can split from outlooks or even from criterions of behaviours. Some instruction schemes that learning can utilize for a pupil with emotional and behavior upsets are a teacher demand to work long term betterments without anticipating immediate and strong success from the pupil. seek to expose pupils with behavior upset to pupils who are non particular demand. Try and allow pupils to walk around schoolroom and talk with the pupils about what they like or dislike assisting learn about the pupil strength and failing to be able to get down doing an lineation of a lesson program for them. Structure regulations. a agenda for the pupil. set up the room for pupils comfort for a more conductive acquisition environment for the pupils to larn in. instructors need to setup pupils a manner to other mercantile establishments ways to cut down defeat and angry by theoretical account and function playing appropriate behaviour for them to see. 2010 McGraw Hill ) Most of import I think a instructor and make besides is make a cool off topographic point within the category for the pupil to quiet down one time they become defeated or angry it can assist pattern and reenforce proper behaviour from the pupils one they have common down which will assist the instructor to maintain everyone else composure. Last they need to pass on with other instructors and the pu pil parent to maintain the line of communicating unfastened about the pupil instruction. There are tonss of different characters of pupils with emotional and behavior upset and some illustrations are contending and hitting. acquiring out of their sets. upseting others by shouting and speaking loud. destructing things by throwing. make non like to follow orders and some expletives a batch in which instances some can non assist it. Next there are Physical disablements and Health Impairments where pupil are non able to larning easy without aid. For illustration pupils with Physical disablements are those who have are orthopaedic damage in which one or more limbs are badly restricted and there are those who have wellness damage. 2010 McGraw Hill ) Some instruction schemes for instructors are to larn about particular devices or processs. assist other pupils and grownups understand and accept physically handicapped pupils and to maintain in head that some pupils in wheelchairs have full utilizations of their custodies and others do non. Most of import allow pupil to take part in all activities like field trips. particular events. undertakings and do certain they have full entree to the schoolroom and nil is blocked them in like them traveling down narrow hallways and heavy doors where they can non acquire out. 2010 McGraw Hill ) Some features of Physical and wellness damages are Mobility issues. weariness. weak musculus. attending engagement and Hypotonic-low musculus tone. Recently there is traumatic encephalon hurt ( TBI ) is a signifier of Acquired encephalon hurt. occurs when a sudden injury causes harm to the encephalon. TBI can ensue when the caput all of a sudden and violently hits an object. or when an object pierces the skull and enters encephalon tissue. 2013 National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke ) Some instruction schemes for instructors are cut down distractions in the student’s work country like take excess pencils and books. Divide work into smaller subdivisions where the instructor have the pupil complete one subdivision at a clip. Ask the pupil to sum up information orally that has merely been presented. Use cue words to alarm the pupil to pay attending like â€Å"listen. † â€Å"look. † and â€Å"name† in conclusion set up a gestural cueing system by utilizing oculus contact and touch to remind the pupil to pay attending. 2000 TBI Challenge Vol. 4. No. 2 ) Some Features of a individual who h as traumatic encephalon hurt are concern. confusion. behavioural or temper alterations. and problem with memory. concentration. attending. or believing. A individual with a mild TBI may stay witting or may see a loss of consciousness for a few seconds or proceedingss. 2013 National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke ) In decision what can I make to foster the self-esteem and self-government. and heighten the self-advocacy accomplishments. of pupils with emotional and behavioural upsets. physical and wellness damages. and traumatic encephalon hurt is to learn cognition and accomplishments to each pupils in other to go ego determined. Besides by set personal ends for each pupil and make actions programs to accomplish the ends each and every twenty-four hours. Second Make good picks that re appropriated and that applies to the pupils mundane lives. When it comes wholly down to the bottom line I will assist my full pupil achieve academic success. What can be done to assist regular pupils understand. regard. and react suitably to pupils with disablements in a category? I will post regard regulations on my schoolroom walls. door. even in the school hallways. I will state other pupils non to pigeonhole pupils that have disablements because it is non nice to mock or badger pupils who are different and if I do catch them they will allow them cognize that is disrespectful. I will state them to demo regard to them and seek to acquire to cognize them better before doing merriment of the disable if that do non work and they are non seeking to understand pupil with disablements I will maintain doing certain that every pupil I come across so discourtesy or even feel like they do non desire to be around one of the pupil I will merely state them in a composure but nice voice â€Å"Try to walk in their places for one time. †

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Affirmative Action Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Affirmative Action - Research Proposal Example Secondly, non-minorities have perceived a reverse racism when chosen over for supposedly less qualified minorities. Thirdly, some individuals from a minority background might feel as though it is condescending to imply that they need extra help in order to succeed. Whatever problems that might exist in the system, there is no arguing that racism still does exist, and that some means are needed to counter-act this inherent disparity. Affirmative action can be a positive social program, but the program is almost necessarily imperfect. It can be continued to be adjusted and tweaked, but until it is no longer needed, there will always be controversy surrounding the issue. To first address opponents of affirmative action, the main argument states that it is merely reverse discrimination. This is more or less the â€Å"two wrongs don’t make one right† argument. To discuss it in more depth, opponents say that it is a program that, while attempting to deal with issues of inequality due to discrimination, merely discriminates against one group as opposed to another: â€Å"Affirmative action is designed to end discrimination and unfair treatment of employees/students based on color, but it in effect does the opposite. Whites who work harder and/or are more qualified can be passed over strictly because they are white† (Messerli, 2008). This, in effect, while attempting to counter-act the effects of racism and discrimination, will only create more difficulties in race relations because whites who are picked over for minorities on the basis of skin color will begrudge this decision; it seems as though affirmative action as a social progra m on its own would be unable to end racism and discrimination. Another argument states that while the issues that affirmative action attempts to deal with are at the level of society in general, i.e. the damage that a racist and discriminatory society in general has done to